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My last first days of school and some basketball games. « Expect the Exceptional

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My last first days of school and some basketball games.

So I had my last first days of school Monday and Tuesday! It is crazy that this is my last semester! Anyways, my first days of school were great and I am pretty excited about my classes. Everyone has to take a Capstone class in their major, and most students take it their senior year. I am in my psychology capstone now, and I think it will go pretty well. I have had two days of it so far, and today was very interesting! We discussed the definition of psychology, which is difficult to do because there are a variety of branches of psychology. The entire class was discussion based and those tend to be my favorite types of classes because it is interactive and time flys! I am taking two other classes: Child Psychopathology and a social work class called Human Behavior in a Social Environment. They will both be fascinating and relate to potential job possibilities for me, so I am looking forward to what my last semester has to offer!

There were also basketball games last night! The women’s team and the men’s team both played Johns Hopkins and they both won! They are having great seasons so far, so it will be exciting to see how far they can go. Basketball games are really fun to go to, especially double headers like last night! There is usually a good turn out so our student section gets pretty loud and rowdy. It is cool to see everyone so united and supportive of our school teams! They usually have activities going on during half time to keep up the entertainment. It could be anything from freethrow competitions for pizza or the cheer squad performing. Last night, they had two local little girls’ teams scrimmage each other. It was ADORABLE! You could tell they were so excited to be playing on a college court 🙂 I definitely recommend attending basketball games, as well as all the other sporting events! It is a good time and a good feeling when you support your school!


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