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This Semester’s Classes « Expect the Exceptional

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This Semester’s Classes

I’m super excited for my classes this semester, and so far I really enjoy them all. I’ve even found parallels between what I’m learning in each of them already, which is crazy considering the diversity of the classes. Since it’s the end of the first week of school, I thought I’d take this opportunity to share the classes that will be defining my academic life for the next few months.

1. Chinese. I’m currently in the second level of Elementary Chinese, which means focusing on learning the characters from the first semester more thoroughly as well as completing the next six chapters in the book. I’m excited to be focusing on the writing more; I’m much more fascinated with written language than spoken language and really want to be able to read Chinese books.

2. Walk on the Wilde Side. This is an English class with Dr. Carpenter that traces the history of sexuality in Britain from the 19th century until today using both fiction and some non-fiction. So far we’ve been focusing on an academic work about the history of sexuality, but we’re moving on to works about cross dressing for next week and I’m excited to see what conclusions we come to.

3. Advanced Multimedia Authoring. I took the Multimedia Authoring course last semester, so I decided to add this class (my fifth one) near the end of the semester. It was fun to be able to learn html and how to manipulate images and videos to make them look good, so I definitely wanted to be able to continue doing that. It’s a small class, but that will probably end up being a good thing once we’re farther into the semester. We’ll be designing more websites, getting our own domain names, and writing to try to be published.

4. Lifetime Fitness and Health. I’m taking this mainly to fulfill my scientific inquiry with a lab requirement for the McDaniel Plan, but I also want to be able to see exactly how I’m doing in terms of overall health. I’ve been trying to implement healthy behaviors over the last year or so, and it will be nice to know how well I’m doing. Plus, this gives me a chance to do neat fitness labs, which I find more interesting than biology or chemistry, personally.

5. The World of The Hunger Games. This is an honors course and an SIS. As someone that loves The Hunger Games and the world it creates, this class is perfect for me. I get to write a paper about a trilogy I could talk and debate about for hours, and spend lots of classes discussing different aspects of Panem, the characters, and the rebellion. This class and the work for it is almost works to de-stress me.

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