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Good to Be Back « Expect the Exceptional

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Good to Be Back

After successfully completing the first week of the second semester of my sophomore year, I know this semester is definitely going to be amazing. That’s not to say I do not have a bunch of work, but all of the work is enjoyable. I am reading the most interesting book for my Honors Sophomore Interdisciplinary Studies class about how certain medical issues are often related to genius or creativity. It really has me thinking and analyzing how society views madness and whether or not certain types of madness can be beneficial; it is by far one of the most though-provoking classes I have had.

My Spanish classes rock! I have the same professor for both of them, and I get the pleasure of seeing him every day of the week. He is so enthusiastic about his topics that I get excited too. I literally almost bounce out of my seat with joy because I am so eager to participate in the class. After each class, I feel really happy because I have learned something new.

I am fortunate enough to have one of my favorite math professors again, and he gave me a paper to read that connects what I did last semester in one of his classes to what we are doing this semester. I am also working on another paper that relates music to mathematics. I do not know if any one is a music theory geek like I am, but I love making connections between different areas of study. It really just opens up your mind and world because you can really see how everything is related. That is one of the things I love most about getting a liberal arts education.

So I am not a science-y person at all, but my Nature of Science class rocks! We have had awesome discussions about our ideas and learning how to think/become scientists. I have loved the way that the class allows us to explore science and have fun at the same time.

Choir is still as amazing as ever! On Tuesday, I felt like I had been waiting all day just to see who was in choir. I have already made a new awesome friend in the alto section. She’s super bubbly, and I love her personality! My gym class is also fabulous. It is jazz dance, so it’s a bit difficult. Luckily, almost everyone in my class is also a dancing novice, so we are having tons of fun. It’s definitely an exercise in learning to laugh at yourself as well as throw caution to the wind. I cannot wait to see if I will be able to do the splits by the end of this class.

Basically, this week has been amazing! Even though I know I am in for a crazy semester, it is bound to be an enjoyable one!

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