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Managing Sleep « Expect the Exceptional

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Managing Sleep

Hey there,

My sleep schedule has got to be one of the weirdest things about me right now. It’s wacky and my parents think I’m insane. But as weird as it is, I’m getting eight hours per most 24-hour periods of time.

For some reason, the world is more exciting at night. It’s more fun to walk around campus. There are beautiful stars I see when I go on walks. Making ramen seems like some rebellious feat at 3AM in the morning. People play ninja or cards. There’s no way I can possibly sleep because there are so many exciting things happening that, to other people, really wouldn’t seem exciting. Maybe I just lose my sanity when it gets later.

Since college started, I’ve gotten so good at napping—not even napping, really, but sleeping for four hours in the middle of the day. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I have classes from 9:10 until 11:20. I’ll typically go to bed around 4AM and get five hours then, go to class, have lunch, and nap from noon until three or four. And on Tuesdays and Thursdays, my first class isn’t until 1PM, so I can sleep for eight hours and still have time for lunch.

I do my best work late at night, and I’m also more productive because I know I don’t have all day to spend dawdling. Though this may not be the typical adult schedule, it’s really been working for me.


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