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A depressed Broncos fan in a happy home « Expect the Exceptional

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A depressed Broncos fan in a happy home

Well, I think I have finally gotten out of my state of depression after that terrible Super Bowl. My Broncos played awful…almost like they forgot how. I wish it would of been a much better game, but what can ya do? As disappointing as it was, I stand by this motto: once a fan, always a fan…they are still my team. Last Sunday was not all bad for me though because I was lucky enough to be in the company of amazing people. I know I have talked about how amazing my friends from McDaniel are before, but it is worth addressing again. One of my friends here is a HUGE Ravens fan. His entire family are Ravens fanatics. Last year, they let me go to the Broncos-Ravens regular season game with them and then I was at their house for the Ravens Super Bowl win last year. So this season, when the Broncos made the playoffs and the Ravens did not, we asked his mom if she would have a party if the Broncos made it into the Super Bowl. As the clock was ticking down at the end of the Broncos-Patriots game, making them AFC champions and sending them to the Super Bowl, I received a text: “Guess I better plan a Super Bowl menu!” I was so excited and the party they put on surpassed all my expectations.

On Sunday, my friends and I arrived early to help set up. We helped cook a ton of delicious food and enjoyed being together. His family is so friendly and fun; we were all laughing and joking around. Although my mood changed during the game, all of them were very supportive. They were saying, “It’s okay Sam, they can still make a comeback.” They obviously did not do that, but being with my friends and my friend’s family made me feel a lot better. When I came to McDaniel, I not only made friends, but I made another family. I gained more moms and dads, grandparents and beyond. I feel so fortunate to have that support, especially being so far away from my home. So as you can see, Super Bowl Sunday was not a total loss.

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