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Ode to Snow « Expect the Exceptional

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Ode to Snow


This past week has been crazy. We have had class cancelled due to snow and ice which although it could be seen as an unexpected break, it really just means more work for the students and professors. However, campus looks beautiful right now. Thus, I thought I would entertain you with some wintertime poetry.


Ode to Snow

Oh snow, how your purity keeps me in awe

A white, pristine beauty that I hope never thaws

Sure, you can be dangerous with your ice underneath

However, it’s better to have you as ice’s sheath

Your fluffiness is a comfort to my sudden fall

I am always happy to have you, bruises and all

You bring joy to all those around

Only in your wonderland can snowballs abound

Only with you can we make new friends

Even if they always seem to melt in the end

You give me reasons to drink coco and tea

And how else we go sledding or be able to ski

And what about the feeling of an earth renewed

With you on the ground, I feel soothed

Fall has left us and spring is coming soon

Winter is the time for resting late into the afternoon

Even though you can frustrate us

Yes, you have some haters

Snow is awesome too

I can’t imagine winter without it, how about you?

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