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New McBlogger: Maria Brew « Expect the Exceptional

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New McBlogger: Maria Brew

Hello everyone! My name is Maria Brew and I am a senior here on the Hill. I am very excited to be blogging for the school and sharing my experience here at McDaniel! I come from a small town called Moorestown located in South Jersey. Living in Moorestown I got the best of both worlds because I live in a suburban town but I have the city of Philadelphia right around the corner!

When looking at colleges I knew I wanted a small school in a cute little town, which is exactly what I found! I was actually recruited for soccer but the academics are what sold me. Personally, I have always been interested in American Sign Language, which was one of the deciding factors when choosing McDaniel. My major is Sociology with a specialization in Criminal Justice and I absolutely love it! I have taken the most interesting classes, internships, and learned so much in the process.

I love being involved in campus activities and supporting our Green Terror. I work at admissions where I give tours in to perspective students. So if you have any questions about McDaniel, ask away! Also, I work at the gym which is where I spend the majority of my time because I love working out and playing sports. Currently, I am on an intramural basketball team so lately I’ve been practicing for the big game! I am involved in the hiking club and I am a teachers assistant within the Sociology department. McDaniel has been a great school for me and I am excited to share more with you all! Hope you enjoyed my post!:)

-Maria Brew

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