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Snow on The Hill « Expect the Exceptional

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Snow on The Hill

McDaniel has been hit yet again with this bizarre Maryland weather! We have been having so much snow over the last two weeks. I cannot believe it! Don’t get me wrong, I love the snow. But I’m a fan of the fluffy and flurry type of snow, not the slushy, icy kind. Luckily, our most recent snowfall has been the fluffy kind!! Score!

Plus, the snow on top of the trees and buildings make our campus look even more gorgeous! I absolutely love it. Lately, I’ve been blowing up my Instagram with snow pictures of McDaniel. Anyway, you’ll see a lot of students outside playing in the snow. Whether its making a snowman, playing tackle football, sledding or just taking a walk. My friends and I attempted to make a snowman, but drastically failed. Next on my list is to go sledding! Since we live on “The Hill” we obviously have great places to sled! Last year, my friends and I went night sledding and it was so much fun! Yes, it was freezing…but it was totally worth it! We are supposed to get more snow this week so we’ll see what happens! If so, you know where I’ll be:)

The one downfall to this snow frenzy is that the gym has been closed. However, that hasn’t stopped my roommate’s and I from working out. Since we live in Gardens, we have a huge common room. So we push all the furniture to the side so we have space to workout. Lately, we have been youtubing workout videos…we look like we are in a workout class! It’s the funnest thing ever!! We blast the music and end up having a great time. Snow days make for the best days and many students take advantage of the winter weather here! Hope you enjoyed my blog for today! Stay warm!

Maria Brew

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