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Spring Break Count Down « Expect the Exceptional

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Spring Break Count Down

Some of you may be shocked but I am already counting down the days until Spring Break. This isn’t because I am not enjoying classes or because I don’t like school. I am counting down the days for one single reason: I LOVE warm weather.

Yes this goes back to me being a California girl and enjoying laying on a beach and what not but spring break this year is extremely special for my friends and I. This is our last chance to all be together for one week with absolutely no worries (except the school work..but we will get that done). As seniors we have decided that we all want to be together this year seeing that in the past we have never ALL been together for a spring break.

Before I talk about what our plans our for this years spring break trip I want to talk a little about my past trips. I must say I can not pick a favorite. Freshmen year I fly down to Florida and stayed with my aunt and uncle who live in Jacksonville. Two of my cousins, who are married with little kids, live close as well. I enjoyed having beach days, going to a Sugarland concert, spending time with family, and going to Savannah Georgia for St.Patty’s Day.

The following year, so my sophomore year, 3 of my friends and I packed up a car and drive to Boca Raton Florida. Here with stayed with one of my friends families and just hung out on the beach. Fortunately my grandfather lives half-way between Boca and Westminster so we stopped at his house to split up the driving. The memories from this trip on endless and just made my look forward to my next spring break.

Junior year was a little different seeing that I was abroad during this semester. I had the time of my life (as I’ve mentioned several times) even on my breaks. Over spring break the group from McDaniel main campus went to Venice, Italy, and Vienna, Austria. Both of these places are amazing and I will write more about them later. The last few days of my spring break my mom came to visit. I got to show her around the city I called home and take her to other places in Hungary.

For my final spring break this year a group of my friends and I are again packing up a car and heading to Florida. We are going to Kissimmee, Florida for the week. We will be staying in a timeshare right on a lake and will just be an hour from the beach. On our way their we plan to stop at my grandfathers again to split the drive. I can not wait to write about the memories I make on this trip.

I just want to remind everyone to thank their parents for all that they do for them. My parents gave my friends and I the timeshare for spring break instead of using it themselves. So stay close to the people who raised you, even if your thousands of miles away, they tend to pull through when you need them the most.

In the mean time I am going to continue to enjoy my classes and hope we don’t get to much snow.


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