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Packages and Dads « Expect the Exceptional

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Packages and Dads

One of the best parts about being an out of state student is getting packages. Sometimes they are from myself and other times they are from friends or family. For Valentine’s Day last year, my parents sent me those candy hearts that everyone loves, but mine were in Spanish so I got to share them in my Spanish classes.  My friend this year sent me hearts filled with candy.

I also got a letter from one of my friends telling me how much she loves college. My grandmothers send me cards for every holiday. I send myself “surprises” like books or mugs that I find on websites after I get my paycheck and have some money left over.  Recently, my family also sent me all the books I left at home.


Inside the package of books my mother (and consequently my father) sent me a little surprise. My mother made this cute puzzle and on the front it said “Morgan, you are loved infinitely. Miss you! Love Mommy”. (She spelled infinitely wrong, but it’s the thought that counts).


On the pack of the puzzle, my wonderful father put “y estupido y fea” which is Spanish for stupid and ugly. You have gotta love your dad’s sense of humor. Regardless of the craziness of my father, I still really appreciate that they thought about me and sent me something. It feels good to be loved!

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