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The perks of work study « Expect the Exceptional

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The perks of work study

I have been fortunate enough to have been employed by McDaniel College and it has been a great experience these past four years! One tip I would give to prospective students is to apply to positions before the Fall semester begins.  I applied for a position at Gill Center, which is our gym, during the summer and was lucky enough to have gotten it! It is a great job and I am so lucky to work there. Since I like going to the gym it works out with my schedule too…. because I can just workout after my shift!

Another job I have on campus is working at admissions. I give tours to prospective students and I ABSOLUTELY love it. I love talking about McDaniel and my experience here on campus. This school has benefited me in so many ways and I could not have asked for a better college experience.  I love telling my stories and experiences on tour. Plus, I know every little detail about the school..so if you have any questions, fire away! I usually give tours to big groups of students from all over the country! Since I love talking to people, it is a great job for me!

Again, if you are an incoming freshmen or transfer student I would definitely look into getting a job on campus because it can always help and add character!

Till next time,

Maria Brew



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