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Simonelli Appreciation Club « Expect the Exceptional

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Simonelli Appreciation Club

Dr. Simonelli is the most amazing teacher ever! He is not just fun to have in class and willing to answer your questions, but he is a great person. In order to honor his awesomeness, I decided to start the Simonelli Appreciation Club. This is my unofficial club, consisting of group of friends who all have had Simonelli in a math course and realize what a gem he is to our school.

On Tuesday, we went out to the best restaurant ever (aka Glar) to get to know him more. I realized that I don’t know much about him, yet he had managed to become my one of my favorite people. At the table, I learned that he was born in central Italy and that the country is beautiful. He said the politics are not going to well currently, but that we should all visit. We have also joked about going to Italy with him (which I would love)!

He spilled his drink all over out table, and we laughed as we cleaned it up. Of course we teased him after that when he tried to pick up the saltshaker. We talked about tons of fun things, and it was nice to get to know him outside of the classroom. I think we’ll try to have a meeting once every month to celebrate all things Simonelli. Having amazing teachers like him makes me happy that I went to a place like McDaniel.

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