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Dinner and a Movie « Expect the Exceptional

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Dinner and a Movie

Friday nights are the best! After the last class of the day, you don’t have to worry about what is going to happen tomorrow. No thoughts of homework or meetings, nothing but complete freedom for one whole night. Friday nights are beautiful gifts that have to be spent wisely. Thus, last Friday, I decided on the classical option and a personal favorite of many: dinner and a movie.

Although often described as a perfect date, it also makes for an amazing night with a friend. I headed over to her apartment an hour early knowing that she takes forever to get ready (and we were in fact almost late). She was making dinner, and she shared her chicken nuggets with me. They were so delicious, and since she has a kitchen on campus, I love coming over to her apartment because she always makes me food.

After some fabulous chicken nuggets, we headed down Main Street to the Carroll Arts Center. Every February, they have their Foreign Film Festival, which is free for students. We saw a French film called Tell No One (2006). It’s about a man whose wife was murdered, but then eight years later, he finds out she might be alive. It was a great thriller, and I highly recommend it.

The funny part is that my friend and I have really crazy reactions to movies. We both come from very expressive families, so let’s just say that there was a lot of gasping and “oh my”s coming from our side of the theater. The movie was incredibly intense, and it kept us on our toes the whole time.

Another awesome factor was that lots of the teachers came as well. I saw my math professor, Spanish professor, and the secretary in one of my favorite departments. It was a pleasant surprise! I love the fact that they take part in the community as well.

I really enjoyed getting off campus, and it was nice to interact with the community in Westminster. For example, my friend and I sat next to a talkative woman who told us about her son and how he studied at McDaniel and that he actually did get use his major (Spanish/English) in the real world. It’s nice to get to know people who have McDaniel success stories, and I never would have done that if I hadn’t taken the adventure down Main Street.

Next Friday is the last movie, and I cannot wait for another Friday night well spent.

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