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Women’s Lax Bingo « Expect the Exceptional

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Women’s Lax Bingo

Although Sunday is usually a day of catching up on sleep and homework, I was able to do something different and fun today! The Women’s Lacrosse team was holding a bingo fundraiser for their spring break trip so I spent a few hours trying to win prizes with friends. It was a blast! There were several people there, ranging from moms and dads, to fellow McDaniel students, to community members. It was really cool to see everyone showing their support for McDaniel athletics.

The lacrosse team did a lot of work to put on this fundraiser. They reached out to the community and asked for various donations to be given as prizes. There were gift certificates from local places such as The Green Turtle, Sweet Frog, and Buffalo Wild Wings. The main prizes were products from a company called Thirty-One, who makes fashionable bags, storage items, and other accessories. There were many desired prizes so the bingo games were pretty intense. Every time someone would call out BINGO, you could hear the whole room sigh in disappointment. Although not everyone could be winners, I am confident that everyone had a great time!

The Women’s Lacrosse team has it’s first home game this Wednesday at 7pm so if you are local, come out and support! I am friends with several of the girls on the team and they are looking forward to a great season. I hope their games have as much of a turn out as the bingo did today, because they deserve it! So good luck Green Terror Lax!

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