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Mac and Cheese: Homemade Style « Expect the Exceptional

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Mac and Cheese: Homemade Style

Hey all,

Back in high school, I used to make myself a big bowl of macaroni and cheese to eat for breakfast for a week. I don’t like typical breakfast foods (I swear, I’m still human!) like pancakes, waffles, or cereal, so I’ve always struggled to actually force myself to eat in the mornings. Lately, I’ve found myself really missing my good old macaroni and cheese. Glar occasionally has some, but I don’t like the way Americans make their mac and cheese–their cheese is too cheesey, whereas mine is subtle.

Then, I realized, why shouldn’t I make some here? I have a tea kettle and I have a microwave. If I boiled the pasta in the kettle, I could make the sauce in the microwave and then mix the two. I walked to Safeway and bought flour, cheese, butter, and a lot of pasta, and I got some milk from glar and tomota ketchup from the Pub. Though I don’t have a cheese grater, the cheese melted in my sauce perfectly well when I crumbled it into small pieces.


I may have gone a little overboard with my enthusiasm, and now I have a huge bowl of sauce in my fridge and my tea kettle is filled with pasta, but I’m going to feed my friends mac and cheese that’s as homemade as they’ll get. It was the best food I’ve had in weeks because it tasted just like home, and it’s beautiful comfort food.


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