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Fun Field Trips « Expect the Exceptional

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Fun Field Trips


One of the best parts about being in a Spanish class with Dr. Deveny is that he always takes his classes on field trips. Last semester, for my Cultural History of Spain course, we went and saw flamenco dancing. It was awesome to be able to see something that originated in Spain brought to D.C. We also found out that Dr. Deveny’s daughter has studied flamenco.

Last Sunday, my Spanish Intro to Literary Analysis class went to the same theater, but this time we saw La Señorita de Tacna (The Young Lady from Tacna) by Mario Vargas Llosa. The play is a story all about the writing process and how one creates a story. The acting was amazing, and the set had some really cool levels to it that helped us understand the story.

It was my first time seeing a play completely in Spanish, and it was one of the best things I have ever experienced. It is fun to test yourself and see how much you are actually learning. Although the whole play was in Spanish, they had a screen above the stage that had the English subtitles. I am happy they had it because there were a few times where I lost some of the Spanish. All in all, it was a fun experience!

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