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Snowboarding Adventures « Expect the Exceptional

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Snowboarding Adventures

Hey all! One of the great things about McDaniel is how close it is to SOOO many things! One of the many is Liberty Mt. where a few friends and myself recently went to ski/ snowboard.

Although it is only 45 mins away this was the first time I had ever gone. I strongly suggest if you come to McDaniel do not wait until your senior year to go. It is a ton of fun and makes for great laughs and memories. (Make sure you go on a Wednesday evening which is college night. It is $40 to rent and get a ski lift)

The group I went with included 5 guys and 3 girls including myself. We split up into three cars and made our way to the mountain. My friend Maria and I were quite nervous yet very excited. Neither of us had ever gone snowboarding (which is what we chose to do). Once we arrived and got our rentals we headed to the bunny slope. Two of our other friends, Sam and Zach, decided to help us for our first time. We both ended up on the ground the majority of the first run and fell more times then I’d like to admit.

After the first run Sam and Zach left us to do our thing on the bunny slope while they explored the rest of the mountain. Maria and I fell a few more times, laughed way to much, and eventually got the hang of it. By the third run we were both able to make it about half way down the hill without falling (which is a great accomplishment for your first time boarding). By the end we were doing great and having a wonderful time.

We may be extremely bruised and sore from this experience but we both had so much fun! I can not wait to try boarding again (and hopefully not fall as much). The memories I have from this trip will stay with me forever.

Hope everyone gets a chance to go!

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