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Intramural Sports « Expect the Exceptional

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Intramural Sports

This evening I played a championship game for intramural basketball. The team I was part of was made up of other soccer players. Although we are used to playing soccer we are still pretty good at basketball, we even won our game this evening.

One of the best parts of playing intramural’s here on the Hill is that if your team wins you win a t-shirt. I already have one t-shirt and am very excited to receive the next one. My first one is from playing intramural volleyball with some of my friends two years ago.

This year we plan to play intramural volleyball again in a few short weeks. Hopefully we can pull through and win another t-shirt. Other sports that are available to play include softball, floor hockey, and football. All teams are able to be either girls, boys, or co-ed.

I’m still not sure as to why these t-shirts are so special (besides the fact that they are free) but when you receive one its a big deal. I can not wait to wear mine around!


Hopefully everyone gets a chance to play an intramural sport here at McDaniel

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