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Stress Relief 101 « Expect the Exceptional

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Stress Relief 101

It’s go time right now at McDaniel. Spring break is coming up soon so that means that midterms are here too. Tests are being flung at us, left and right, so we have to find some way to stay calm and keep focused. Some people go to the gym, others take study breaks with friends, but I, personally, prefer to sing.

Whenever I feel tension on my shoulders or feel like I am on the verge of crying, I know that means it is time to head to Big Baker (Baker Memorial Chapel) and let it out. I usually take my computer to put on karaoke I find on YouTube (like Beyoncé). However, today was a special day because I did some scatting.

Scatting is when a singer tries to imitate the sounds of instruments in an improvisational way. It has been the best stress reliever I have had because I get to express myself in my own way. When you sing someone else’s song, you’re confined to their words and note choices, but when scatting, I get to have complete creative license.

I definitely get too into it; I close my eyes during the long notes, move my arms when I feel the emotion, bend down my knees when I feel the note as if it controls my whole body. It’s like having complete and utter freedom. Afterwards, I have left every emotion from the day in Big Baker, and I can start my day anew.

I think McDaniel has really reaffirmed my belief in the necessity of art in everyone’s lives. Everyone has to express himself or herself and feel that high after you’ve let everything out. I am so happy that I can have this space and time to properly express myself.

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