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Supporting the Green Terror one Fan Bus at a time « Expect the Exceptional

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Supporting the Green Terror one Fan Bus at a time

I feel fortunate to go to a college with a lot of school pride. For a smaller school, we tend to have a decent sized student section at many sporting events. McDaniel students are proud to rock the green and gold and I love it! The support continued this Friday for the Men’s Basketball playoff game.

Within 24 hours of their win on Wednesday, a list was being made of students who wanted to hop a ride on the Fan Bus to watch the men play at Dickinson. For a small down payment of $5, students could sign up and save themselves a spot. My friends and I made sure we signed up as soon as possible and I am glad we did. It was a blast! The bus left McDaniel at 6pm and we arrived at Dickinson around 7:30. As we were exiting the bus, the chaperones handed us McDaniel pom-poms and plastic megaphones so we could cheer extra loud. The game started at 8, so we had plenty of time to set up our section and get the team pumped during warmups.

Unfortantely, the men did not end up winning the game, but they played their hearts out and I am glad we were able to be there for them. They had an incredible season and still have a chance at making the ECAC tournament. Regardless of the score, we showed our school pride and I am so happy to be a Green Terror!

p.s. Wish me luck in my own basketball game tonight…I have two intramural championship games to play in! I hope to have two new tshirts! 🙂

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