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Past Spring Breaks « Expect the Exceptional

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Past Spring Breaks

With spring break just a week away, I thought I would talk about my past spring breaks! I have had some pretty great adventures the last three years. For my freshmen year, I ended up just going home, but it was exactly what I needed. I was able to spend some quality time in the mountains with my family and friends.

Sophomore year was when I studied abroad so I had spring break in Europe! My friend Jake, from Colorado, was visting me in Budapest the week before. I had a school trip to go on for the first part of break, so Jake went to Italy to visit our friend, Lucia, who foreign exchanged at our high school. I planned on meeting up with them after my school trip was over. Luckily, this was not like an ordinary school trip…we went to Venice, Italy and Vienna, Austria! It was amazing! We took a bus everywhere and the sights were beautiful. The first couple days in Venice were magical and we even did a gondola ride! It was a dream come true. Then we went up to Vienna and spent a few more days touring the city. When everyone else hopped on the bus to go back to Budapest, another girl and I made our way to the airport. We both flew to Milan, Italy, which is where I met up with Jake and Lucia. Spending the rest of the week with Lucia was so cool! We ate SO MUCH  authentic Italian food and the town she lives in, Geneva, was gorgeous. She also took us on a day trip to Florence. This was definitely one of my favorite trips while I was abroad!

For Junior year spring break, two of my roommates and I went to New York City! One of my roommates had an uncle who lived right off Central Park, so we were lucky enough to crash at his place. Since we did not have to spend our money on a hotel, we were able to splurge on all the other tourist activities! We did a boat tour around the Statue of Liberty, we went to the wax museum, walked all over Times Square and Central Park, and many other things. It was a blast! I had only been to New York for a day before this trip, so I loved being able to see more of it.

So as you can see, I have had some pretty great spring break trips. I am just as excited for this year and it is my senior year, so I have to make it the best I can! Five of my friends and I are going to Jacksonville, Florida, where we plan on never leaving the beach. It is going to be awesome 🙂 We leave a week from today and we are making it into a road trip. I know we will have an amazing time and I will probably report back when we return! I hope everyone else has a fantastic spring break as well!


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