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An Oversized Lesson « Expect the Exceptional

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An Oversized Lesson

Tonight was my second viewing of the play Fat Pig written by Neil LaBute. The play is about a guy who falls in love with a fat girl. All his friends make fun of him for dating someone who is extremely overweight. SPOILER (meaning do not read this next sentence if you are going to see the play): He breaks up with her in the end because he cannot handle how society views her.

This play was awesome because it was very original. Most plays about body image end with positive lessons about loving yourself, etc. This play ends with us having to infer how society affects how we love people and how we view our relationships.

What would you do if you met your soul mate, someone who made you a better person, but they weren’t your “type”? You probably would not date them because they are fat or black or have braces, etc. We all have some sort of bias. This play makes you realize that inside most of us are scared of anything that’s different from us.

I really enjoy it when our theater puts on shows that leave me something to think about. Even when we are out enjoying ourselves on the weekend, we also get interesting topics of conversation. This play really has me thinking about society and how we judge people…we have so much to learn, but hopefully, plays like this get people talking. WAY TO GO, MCDANIEL!

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