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An Award-Winning Night « Expect the Exceptional

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An Award-Winning Night


Last Sunday, the most wonderful night of stars, glamour, and movies took place: the Oscars. Normally, I would not watch the Oscars because I don’t have a TV and I also tend not to watch shows alone. Fortunately, we had a suite event in DMC. Suite 101 threw an Oscars Party.

In a true honors’ party fashion, everyone brought homework to work on during the commercials. Other than that, we had tons of fun. We laughed at Ellen’s jokes, we ate tons of popcorn, and we had a contest to see who could most accurately predict the award winners. I got 2nd place with four other people, so we split the candy prize.

I love living in honors’ housing because it’s nice to have a cool community of people that you take classes with live with, and you can party with them too.

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