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Participating in Senior Capstones « Expect the Exceptional

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Participating in Senior Capstones

With graduation only a little over two months away, the majority of the senior class is busy at work on their capstones. What is cool about this time is to see how the students of McDaniel support each other. The seniors usually need several participants for their studies, and they generally rely only on other students. We are lucky to have a friendly environment here and most people are willing to help out.

As a psychology major, I am writing a literature review for my senior capstone (which does not require participants), but I have been happy to help out as many of my senior friends as I can. I have participated in about four different studies so far and they have all been for exercise science research. I enjoy participating because it is interesting to see what my fellow classmates are coming up with and I want to see them succeed. The studies have all been very unique from each other and most of them tend to be pretty fun!

I cannot wait to see the presentations of all my friend’s studies and see their beautiful, final products. It is an exciting time and I CANNOT believe how quickly this semester is flying by!

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