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Guest Speakers in Class « Expect the Exceptional

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Guest Speakers in Class

Even though I am an Exercise Science major I still enjoy taking other classes. This semester I am taking a social work class called Human Behavior in the Social Environment.

This class is a 1000 level class. All this means is that it is a beginners course that freshmen usually take. Since I am a senior this class covers many concepts that I have gone over in other classes but from a different perspective. Thankfully, one of my friends is taking the class with me so I am not the only senior in the class.

On Tuesday our class had two speakers come in and talk to us about Autism. Both of the speakers have sons that are Autistic. I found that they did a wonderful job at explaining what Autism is and clarify myths and facts about it. I also really enjoyed hearing their personal stories about what they have been through as parents of an Autistic child.

Several classes bring in speakers about the topic in which you are covering. I have never had a ‘bad’ speaker that lost my attention or that I found boring. McDaniel does a great job of finding people in Maryland or Pennsylvania that know everything there is to know about a certain topic.

Basically, if you take a class and a speaker is coming don’t take this as a free pass to miss class. Go, hear what the person has to say, take into consideration that they are missing a day of their work to speak to you, and let the new information sink in. After all you may find out what you want to do by listening to a speaker talk about what they do.

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