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Marshmallow Madness « Expect the Exceptional

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Marshmallow Madness

A couple weeks ago, McDaniel College hosted the annual Maryland Collegiate Honors Council Conference. I volunteered to help out, so I got to meet tons of cool people and learn about all types of different subject areas. There are so many cool new developments I would have never heard about without the conference like how certain organisms affect the bleaching of coral reefs.

In true nerdy fashion, at dinner, we all sat a different tables based on our nametag symbols. I was Thor so I sat at the Avengers/Stars Wars table, but there were also tables for Star Trek, Hunger Games, and Harry Potter. The idea was that we were supposed to be mixed up so that we would meet people from other colleges.

The plan totally worked. I met people from some of the near by community colleges who were thinking about transferring to McDaniel. They were really nice, and I heard some of their inspiring stories about making it against the odds. For many of them, they were proving that anyone can go back to college and succeed.

After dinner that night, we had a s’more mixer. We had all types of chocolate like Reese’s and cookies ‘n’ cream Hershey’s bars. The best part of all was that Dr. Madsen, our fabulous Honors Program director, ordered marshmallows with our logo on them. They were so beautiful that I did not want to toast them, but alas, I did eat one, and it was AMAZING!

After everyone was filled with s’mores, we played a game for prizes. My team came in third, but I think we all still had fun. All in all, the conference was totally a hit, and I think the other colleges were very impressed with what McDaniel students can do. Needless to say, WE ROCK!

Me eating my s'more.

Me eating my s’more.

Annie's got her honors s'more.

Annie’s got her honors s’more.

Isn't that awesome?!?! I love the s'more logo!

Isn’t that awesome?!?! I love the s’more logo!

Our beautiful table arrangement with chocolate galore!

Our beautiful table arrangement with chocolate galore!

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