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Preparations for Spring Break « Expect the Exceptional

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Preparations for Spring Break

The week leading up to Spring Break always seems like the longest week of the semester. Not only are most students packing up to go home/on vacation but we also have this horrible rain cloud above our heads called “midterms.” In my four years, I have figured out how to conquer midterms…it takes quite a few tricks up my sleeve and I always bring an umbrella.

The mixture of my classes this semester and the massive amounts of snow days putting them all behind schedule, I ended up not having any midterms in the traditional sense of the word. I did, however, have an outline and Works Cited page for my Environmental paper, a writing portfolio for my poetry class, and a large chunk of my Senior Capstone last week.

Three major things that I knew I couldn’t out off to the last minute. I also had the goal of having everything turned in by Wednesday so I could leave campus on Thursday and spend an extra day at home with my mom.

I started working on each of these things little by little two weeks prior and ended up only having to do finishing touches on my outline and portfolio last week. My Environmental stuff was turned in Tuesday night, and Wednesday afternoon I turned in my poetry portfolio. The only thing left was my Senior Capstone. Since I am e-mailing my newly written pages to my advisor, I just decided to go home and work on them there.

Now that everything is turned in, I can start packing for my trip. The last three Spring Breaks I have worked every single day. I previously worked at a bed and breakfast in my hometown so Spring Break was the beginning of our busy season which meant early mornings and a lot of hard work every day. This year, I have the week off so I am finally going on a trip! All the way across the country! Since I have free access to the Disney parks in Florida and California, I am going to Disneyland and visiting Southern California for the week! I am taking one of my best friends from high school with me and we are going to explore the west and eat Mickey waffles every morning!

Check out my Disney blog next weekend to hear all about my trip.

And if you are dealing with your own set of midterms, good luck and just remember, they will be over soon enough!

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