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The Silence of Campus « Expect the Exceptional

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The Silence of Campus

Spring break has officially started, and while everyone was packing anxiously to go home, I was sleeping the day away. This break I am staying on campus and working. When I say that to people, they become sad and will offer for me to come over to their house, but in reality, being on campus with no one else around is awesome.

Have you ever woken up early in the morning before sunrise? It’s as if the whole world is asleep, and the silence is breath taking. I get to have that for a whole week! My roommate is in the Dominican Republic, so I get the room to myself as well

So far, I have had a cleaning/dance party, I have watched a Spanish movie marathon, and I have slept as much as I want. The best part is that no one is around. I can be crazy all I want, and no one will know but me (and now all of you).

Thus, whenever someone gives me that sad look when they find out I am staying on campus for break, all I can think is, you don’t know what you are missing.

Empty parking lot outside my dorm

Empty parking lot outside my dorm

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