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Spring Break Update! « Expect the Exceptional

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Spring Break Update!


Hello from (not so sunny) Florida! As you might be able to guess, I have not been overly happy with the weather we are having, but my friends and I are still having a blast! We have been able to make the best of our trip. The first day we got to Florida, we did end up having beautiful weather and had a fantastic day on the beach. The next few days were a little rainy and colder so we had to improvise. The first day, we had a lazy day at the house, which was much needed. Then, we visited a beach (which is the picture above), and went sea shell and shark tooth hunting. Today, we toured the town of St. Augustine and tried to go to the beach again, but it was a little too chilly. Although we have not been able to get a tan, we are still having a great adventure! Tomorrow we are hoping for sun, though, so wish us luck!

Hope those of you who are on break are having an amazing time! I will report back at the end of the week!

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