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Hiking Sugarloaf Mountain « Expect the Exceptional

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Hiking Sugarloaf Mountain



Last Saturday, my friends and I went hiking on Sugarloaf Mountain. After some getting lost on the trails (and receiving help from a nice guy with a map), we made it to the top, and the view was wonderful.

We had lunch on the rocks: chicken, tortilla chips, salsa, grapes, a wrap, Nutella, and a bagel (shared between us, of course).

Coming down the mountain was a bit difficult because we went the steep side, and then missed a turn, so we ended up not where we wanted to be and had to walk back up to the car. That’s when we spent some time at a little stone house with unknown origin.



Based on the slit windows and the wall lining the roof with steps that lead to it for easy access, as well as the thick stone walls and the walls nearby that look convenient to hide behind, I’m convinced this was some sort of mini-fort on the mountain for some reason…or someone that was really paranoid and wanted a little mini-fort on a mountain.

When we got back to my roommate’s house, we all just wanted to lay around for the rest of the night, which is exactly what we did. It was a good way to start Spring Break.

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