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Hidden Library Stories « Expect the Exceptional

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Hidden Library Stories

When you stay in the library for long periods of time, you start noticing things other than books. If the mood strikes me, I will take roaming study breaks through the first and second floors. Something I had never noticed before is how much art there is in the library.

With my nose in my books, I had been missing some real gems. I am not really great at analyzing art, but I find that I can still gather inspiration from it. Looking at the artwork in the library allows me to refocus my mind.

After studying for a while, it is good to let your mind wander and take a break. The art in the library often allows me to do this.

My favorite piece is on the second floor near the study area in the back. It uses really bright colors and has so many inspiring figures on it. I just enjoy getting lost in the art, and every time I look at it again, I discover something new.

I think it’s nice that we go to a school with talented alumni who leave things behind that inspire future generations. Every time I turn around, I can find something beautiful and new at McDaniel.

Artist and dedication

Artist and dedication

Full piece of art

Full piece of art

Right panel

Right panel

Middle panel

Middle panel

Left Panel

Left Panel

1 comment to Hidden Library Stories

  • Annie Brown

    My favorite part of this mural has always been the fact that in the right panel, there’s a cat looking at a chocolate cake. It’s delightful, what hidden surprises can be found even within a single piece of art.

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