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Welcome to Dinosaur Land « Expect the Exceptional

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Welcome to Dinosaur Land


Dinosaur Land can be defined as a place full of dinosaur replicas, some life-size, some not, designed for children to be fascinated by these early creatures and learn a few things in the process.

So of course, as college students, my friends and I wanted to go, and we did last Sunday.

It was the first time I’ve ever been to Virginia, and the first time I drove into West Virginia, so it was nice to be able to add to the list of states I’ve been in. Mostly, though, it was fun to see the dinosaurs and pose with them, pretending to be buds or prey or sometimes predators.

There was also a 25 foot King Kong, just for fun. The hand was reinforced for people to be able to stand on it, so we each climbed into it for pictures.

It wasn’t much, but it was a good way to spend the day, and the gift shop allowed me to get a fake spear, fake sword, little dinosaur excavation kits, a hat for my dad, a little flower and unicorns for my mom, and a little dinosaur skeleton.

And later that night, I was sitting at home, petting my puppies.

It was a good day.

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