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Spring Break 2014 « Expect the Exceptional

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Spring Break 2014

Spring break is coming to an end which means I have class tomorrow. Although I love all of my classes and am really enjoying them this year, it is hard to go back after an amazing week in Florida.

This spring break, 4 of my friends and I packed up a car and drive 12 hours (it was supposed to be 10 1/2) to Hilton Head, South Carolina. Here we stopped and stayed with my grandfather for the night before making our way to Jacksonville, Florida. Once we left SC on Saturday we stopped in Savannah, Georgia, to celebrate St. Patrick’s day a few days early.  Savannah was beautiful and packed with people! Although it was quite an experience to be there, we jumped back in the car for 2 hours and made our way to Jacksonville.

Once in Jacksonville I introduced my friends to my aunt and uncle and one of my cousins and his wife. We enjoyed a home made dinner and enjoyed playing with my cousins 3 1/2 year old as well as his 2 year old.

The rest of the trip was spent either on the beach, relaxing inside while it rained, or exploring different areas of Jacksonville and St. Augustine. I could go on and on about each day but instead I’m just going to high light my favorite parts of the trip.

I really enjoyed walking about old town St. Augustine and leaving the history of it. We were able to see how people used to live and how they protected their land. Here we had lunch right by the water and enjoyed a great view with even better company. After we walked around the town for hours we sat on the beach for a couple of hours being going to visit one of my friends Aunts. She has a house in St. Augustine which we were able to see and visit with her at.

Another one of my favorite parts of the trip was all the pictures we took. I love the beach and could lay on the beach all day but being with friends and taking 1000s of pictures makes it that much better. Each day we took a ‘super selfie’ which was posted to instagram.

Other little things that made the trip were watching the sunset over a bay, getting up to watch the sunrise over the ocean, getting a tan, and of course being able to spend time with some of my family.

Although spring break is over I will always have these memories and can not wait to see what the rest of the semester has in store for me.

also, I will post pictures as soon as they are uploaded!

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