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The Golf Course: A Forgotten Treasure « Expect the Exceptional

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The Golf Course: A Forgotten Treasure


Hey guys,

One of my favourite parts about McDaniel is our golf course. It may seem exceedingly random for a college to have a nine-hole golf course, especially since our golf teams don’t even practice on them. I didn’t think too much of it at first, but over this spring break, I’ve fallen in love with it. Though there’s a busy road next to it, I’ve rarely encountered any other human walking, so it’s easy to pretend that I’m in the middle of nowhere in my own little world. There are also beautiful bunches of trees, which remind me of the woods in Yellowstone National Park.


In front of the bench, there are white and red pegs, which are apparently the ‘teeing ground.’

I didn’t realize quite how big it was when I first wandered onto it, but then I made it my mission to find all nine holes. (There’s probably some simple way to do this, but I don’t play golf, so I found it perfectly acceptable to walk around and see what I could find.) It’s actually really huge, and there are a bunch of random benches that you can sit on, and I think it’d be a great place for a picnic.

I’ve been watching the sunset here the past few nights, and it’s really strange for me. I’m used to the sun setting on the West Coast over the ocean. Since my parents live a block away from the beach, I’m used to running over to the beach and watching as the sun slowly drowns in the ocean. Here, however, you can watch the sun set multiple times from different vantage points in one night by starting off somewhere really low and moving higher. The golf course is really hilly, so I’ve been utilizing it to get the most out of the sunsets.


The sun setting through the trees.

The golf course is also the best place on campus for stargazing. It’s still a little chilly now, but it’s starting to warm up and if you take a blanket, it’s a beautiful place to lie and stare up at the sky and contemplate how small we really are. Though most of Westminster is relatively light polluted, the golf course is a tiny area of perfection in which you can pretend you’re in the middle of nowhere.


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