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Death by Chocolate Night at Glar « Expect the Exceptional

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Death by Chocolate Night at Glar


An assortment of strawberries for dipping.

Hi there,

Every now and again, Glar, McDaniel’s dining hall, has a themed night. Tonight’s was Death by Chocolate night which, to no one’s surpise, is my absolute favourite. I may be a little bit of a chocoholic, and tonight I may have forgotten to eat dinner before I headed for dessert.


Mississippi mudcake.

I was particularly pleased by the fresh strawberries, which made me feel like I was being at least a little bit healthy. Berries are my favourite fruits and they’re super expensive to buy even when in season, so it’s always a treat to have some at Glar. There was chocolate fondue-esque dipping sauce for them, as well as squares of pound cake and other fruits. (Though I must warn you–I love pineapple and I love chocolate, but I don’t recommend pineapple dipped in chocolate.) They had scrumptious cookies that were almost as good as something I could make at home as well as brownies and cakes.

Glar’s themed nights are always a good way to have a little more variety. They occasionally have “Dinner On Us” nights, which you have to preregister for, where they ask for your opinions on Glar’s food and if you have any recommendations, and they also have a box for comments and concerns. Apparently a lot of students want more Asian cuisine, so recently we’ve been having a lot of Asian cuisine nights. I often forget which themed nights are coming up, so it’s a pleasant surprise to see some unusual food. They’re also going to start serving smoothies at breakfast on Fridays, which may be enough motivation to get myself out of bed in time to go to breakfast!

Until later,

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