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Spring Rolls and Jump Rope « Expect the Exceptional

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Spring Rolls and Jump Rope

Last night, I went to Vietnamese Night for the Asian Community Coalition (ACC). It was amazing as usual. The ACC has put on some pretty awesome Asian culture nights, but this one by far has been my favorite. We had noodles and fried banana; however, the best part was the spring rolls.

Okay so you all probably don’t know this about me, but my favorite food of all time is Vietnamese spring rolls. I have not been able to find anything like the ones I have had in Cali since I have been on this coast, but these were perfect and delicious!

We also learned about games played during festivals and games children play. There is one game for girls that is played by picking up sticks and bouncing a ball; it reminded me of jacks.

Children also play jump rope differently. It involves jumping in and out of two ropes together. I remember trying to learn it when I was little. It was cool to see the differences and similarities between cultures.

I had such a wonderful time, and I cannot wait to eat some more great food while also learning about the culture.



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