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New Westminster Favorite: Sweet Frog « Expect the Exceptional

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New Westminster Favorite: Sweet Frog

My friends and I have a new favorite place here in Westminster. It is Sweet Frog! For those of you who are not familiar with Sweet Frogs, they are frozen yogurt places…the type with all of the yummy toppings! They opened up a Sweet Frog here in town a couple months ago and we LOVE it. Sweet Frog is great when you want something sweet and it is fun because you get to make your own creation. It is pretty inexpensive too; the most I have spent on a cup is about $4!

We started out by making Sweet Frog only a “special occassion” kind of place. We went there for my friend’s birthday and for one other celebration, but it is just too delicious! We can’t stay away! It is probably a good thing that it just opened up and we are seniors, because we would go there way too much. We are going to enjoy it while we can though, considering we are under 2 months until graduation!

If you are looking for a yummy treat, I definitely recommend Sweet Frog. You won’t regret it!

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