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The Beauty of Rain « Expect the Exceptional

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The Beauty of Rain

Rain is generally pretty miserable. It’s not much fun to go to class or Glar with wet socks and wet hair, or to stand outside in the rain for about five hours watching people throw, jump, and run, which I did at my track meet yesterday (I also threw, but they cancelled the women’s pole vault). Of course, that also required sitting in wet clothing for the three-four hour bus ride back to campus.

However, I find the rain beautiful and refreshing at the same time. It’s nice to open the window in my dorm room and let the cool air in for the night, and to have the calming patter of the raindrops coming into the room, which helps me sleep. It’s also nice to turn my face and palms to the sky when it’s drizzling. I’m not sure why, but I find that extremely calming and pleasant.

Although, I have to say that my favorite thing about the rain right now is that it’s not snow.

Update: Is has, in fact, snowed today. My preference for and ability to see the beauty in rain still stands.

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