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The Creativity of Snow « Expect the Exceptional

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The Creativity of Snow

In my Sophomore Interdisciplinary Studies class, Genius, Madness, and Creativity, there was an interesting comment made about how people who are both mad and creative often tend to enjoy snowstorms. At first, I could not understand this.

Today, when it snowed, it finally clicked! Snow is creative! I am sure that right about now you are thinking I am a crazy person, but I promise you that even nature shows creativity.

At first, when I was staring at the snow from the window, it seemed nothing more than a hindrance to my view. However, once I started to try and watch the snow as it fell, I realized the coolest thing. Snow knows how to dance!

Whenever the wind blew, the snow began to twirl around making patterns that fed the creativity in my soul. Literally, it was so moving. I think just goes to show how learning in the classroom really does start to become applicable to your life.

Also, now anytime I need some creativity, I will just get lost in the snow.


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