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2014 March « Expect the Exceptional

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At the Movies!

Spring Break is officially over and everyone is back to their regular schedules. A lot of people returned with a tan…and those who did not are pretty jealous. But no worries, they’ll get tan soon cause warm weather is coming! One thing I love doing in these gorgeous weather is reading outside! I just finished […]

Creations in the Dining Hall

Glar has a lot of options for meals, but some days we McDaniel students like to spice it up and make our own creation.

For example, one of my favorite creations is combing granola, peanut butter, and apple butter! I call it Mush. There’s probably a real name for it…but I like Mush and it’s […]

Spring Time on the Hill

Because I was on campus during break, I got to experience the first day of spring right here at McDaniel. I must say it was amazingly gorgeous. The birds were singing on my way to work. I was so happy that I even sang along. It was like a scene out of a Disney princess […]

“Because I’m Happy” Spring Break 2014

Spring Break 2014 was a success! My friends and I survived the drive to and from Jacksonville, Florida! We went to the beach, toured around Florida, and enjoyed the warm weather! Sadly, we did not have all sunny days, but we did get to venture around St. Augustine, which is an awesome town filled with […]

Spring Break 2014

Spring break is coming to an end which means I have class tomorrow. Although I love all of my classes and am really enjoying them this year, it is hard to go back after an amazing week in Florida.

This spring break, 4 of my friends and I packed up a car and drive 12 […]