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Smart Talk! « Expect the Exceptional

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Smart Talk!

Yesterday, McDaniel hosted a SmartTalk event. They brought in a CIA attorney who is a McDaniel Alumni! She spoke about her experience and how a liberal arts college shaped her into the person she is today. Niki Grandrimo graduated class of 98′ and has dedicated her life to protecting this country. She attended law school in Georgetown and has an impressive resume, all thanks to McDaniel.

Nike raved about her experience here at McDaniel. She said that by attending such a small school, she was able to gain great relationship with professors who supported her throughout her journey. She stated that she relates one of her professors as the North Star, that says something! She was taught to analyze every point of view, accept challenges out of her comfort zone, and fight for what is right.

I completely agreed with Niki’s speech. Comparing myself to the individual I was freshman year is mind blowing. I have grown so much through these past four years. All for the better. And it is all due to McDaniel. The small class sizes, relationships with professors, and the fact that it is a liberal arts school! McDaniel has shaped me into the person I am today, and has definitely prepared me for the real world.

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