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Registering for Classes « Expect the Exceptional

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Registering for Classes

Hey all,

My favourite time of the semester has come around–the time for picking and registering for classes.

Since I’m attempting a double major and triple minor and planning to spend my entire junior year abroad, I have to be pretty careful in picking my classes from here on out to make sure I can fit everything in. I have a draft of my classes through senior year. (Don’t worry–this is not normal. Most people barely have next semester planned!)

My class registers this Friday. Juniors register tomorrow and sophomores on Wednesday, so I’m going to be watching our online list of courses in case some of the classes I want to take fill. Thankfully, the English department lets students pre-register for certain classes. Creative Writing Fiction is a really popular class, and if I were not an English major, it would definitely fill before my time to register came. Thankfully, I’ve already registered and I can barely wait to take it!

My main issue is that I want to take ALL of the classes; however, unlike Hermione Granger, I do not have a time turner. And students are limited to taking 22 credits without paying an overcharge fee. Most students take four 4-credit classes and sometimes, smaller classes, like half credit physical education classes, or Choir, which is one credit.

You can look through the classes for Fall and Spring semesters next year online on Archway.


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