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Sock Assassins « Expect the Exceptional

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Sock Assassins

Sock Assassins is a game that groups play on campus. The honors program did it, sports teams do it, and my track team is currently has five people remaining. It’s a way to encourage bonding among people by throwing socks at each other.

The rules are pretty simple.

  1. Once the players are determined, everyone is given a target and becomes someone else’s target.
  2. When the game starts, players try to hit their target with a ball made out of a pair of socks. Only one roll of socks can be carried at a time.
  3. Safe zones: Work, classes, dorms (including north village apartments), practice (in the case of my team, safe from practice to Glar, as well), Glar (the dining hall) and the area immediately outside of Glar until the double doors or the hallway beneath Rouzer.
  4. Once you are “killed,” you give the card with your target’s name on it to your “killer.”
  5. If your target catches the socks you threw at him/her, they give them back to you and are safe for the next five minutes.

That’s it! Some people say they’ve played versions of this with water guns and nerf guns, so it can be adapted.

Some of my friends and I have decided this is a bit like a very safe, not fatal version of The Hunger Games, so may the odds be ever in your favor.

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