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Birthday’s on the Hill « Expect the Exceptional

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Birthday’s on the Hill

Celebrating birthday’s at McDaniel are always some of the most memorable nights on campus! For example, last night was my boyfriend’s birthday and I decided to decorate his room! I bought a big poster and hung it outside his door and had all his friends write a little message to him! It’s nice because he lives on his fraternity floor, so they were all able to sign and wish him happy birthday!

Not only is it fun decorating the room, but I usually go out to a nice restaurant. Maybe Olive Garden or Maggie’s, or Raf’s. Or if you want, Towson is about 30 minutes away and so is Owing’s Mills. And both have a wide range of restaurants that are extremely delicious!

We are headed toward Owing’s Mills tonight to Outback steakhouse! I am so excited!:) As much as I love this school, it is nice to get all dressed up and go to a fancier dinner. But only every once and a while! Anyway, I’ve never been to this restaurant so I’ll keep you posted!


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