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Peer Mentor Time « Expect the Exceptional

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Peer Mentor Time

I have the honor of being a peer mentor for Dr. Wronski’s First Year Seminar about the medieval supernatural for the 2014-2015 school year. This is exciting to me not only because the class seems really interesting to me (as an English major and a fan of the craziness of myths and legends) but also because this will give me a chance to get much more involved on campus, get some leadership skills, and hopefully make a group of freshman a bit more welcome at McDaniel.

We had our first little orientation about our responsibilities on Monday, and I was informed of the thing that will be worked on to go online: the video introducing the peer mentors. I’m not sure what it will look like yet, but you can watch last year’s video.

The group of people gathered to be peer mentors for next year seem really fun and highly entertaining, and it already feels great to be part of the group.

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