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New Class of Global Fellows « Expect the Exceptional

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New Class of Global Fellows

On Thursday, we had the Global Fellows reception for the Class of 2017. It was such an exciting event! There are quite a few more Global Fellows in the next class than there are in mine, and I am happy to see that the program is growing.

It was fun to get to meet the new Global Fellows officially although I already knew most of them. Three of the new Global Fellows are my mentees! It makes me happy to know that there are people in the McDaniel Community who are interested in global issues and want to make a difference globally.

My mentee

My mentee

My mentee

My mentee

My mentee

My mentee

I cannot wait to see how this new class adds to the awesomeness of the program. I foresee many great conversations and solutions ahead. Welcome Class of 2017!

All the new Global Fellows

All the new Global Fellows


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