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Spring is here… I HOPE! « Expect the Exceptional

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Spring is here… I HOPE!

If any of you live in Maryland (or the surrounding states) you know how terrible this winter has been. You are also probably aware of how nice the weather has been recently.

I can not express how excited I am that it is finally nice out! Today was in the high 70’s and low 80’s all day which was wonderful! I was able to lay outside with a few friends and just relax. This is the first Sunday in a long time that I did not do homework or work on my senior capstone all day long. I must admit, it was a great break from reality and I hope I have a few more of these.

Also, Yesterday was Spring Fling here on The Hill. My friends and I enjoyed just hanging out at the quad and then watching both the men’s and women’s lacrosse games. Since yesterday was just as nice as today everyone was outside and enjoying the wonderful day.

My past Spring Fling’s (except last year when I was abroad) the weather was not good. Both freshmen and sophomore year it rained but Spring Fling was still fun and a day I continued to look forward to each year.

I’m crossing my fingers that the weather will stay nice!

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