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Global Fellows Program « Expect the Exceptional

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Global Fellows Program

Hi guys,

Morgan mentioned the Global Fellows program in her post last week, and I am excited to say that I am one of the 28 first-year students that were welcomed into the program last Thursday.

The Class of 2017's Global Fellows.

The Class of 2017’s Global Fellows.

Any freshman can apply for the program regardless of major. The goal of the program is to help these students gain a better grasp on understanding global issues, to learn more about different cultures and be able to share these experiences, and to prepare them for lives in today’s increasingly global world. We’ll be expected to take at least five classes with international and multicultural focuses and to study abroad. I’m most excited to be able to be a part of preparing events and speakers that come to the College

At Thursday’s reception, each student introduced themselves with why they had decided to be a part of the program. I was really enthused by all the different responses I heard. One of the biggest reasons I’m really interested in international affairs is due to my fascination with stories. Everybody has a different perspective and a different story and these vary more and more if you look outside the world you know and into the global world.

I’m really excited to get to know my fellow Fellows and to further increase my global knowledge.


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