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My Last Spring Fling « Expect the Exceptional

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My Last Spring Fling

Spring Fling has always been a campus unifying event. Students of all ages join together and play cornhole and Frisbee, use blow-up games, and support our green terror teams. This Spring Fling was just that. The Quad, Red Square, and North Village of full of our student body hanging around and enjoying the weather. Luckily, the weather was perfect, so we all got a tan too! The Quad had fun things set up too….such as free tie dying, mix art with glasses, and blow-up games!

Our Green Terror teams did amazing too this weekend! Both our lacrosse games were home, which I attended, and they both won! I loved how majority of campus was out and about enjoying this event put on by the school! Spring Fling is always a memorable event and I will definitely miss it as an alumni.

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