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Hiring New Professors « Expect the Exceptional

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Hiring New Professors

Hi guys,

I’m not sure how other departments do it, but the political science department likes to get students involved with the process of hiring new teachers. Sadly, a few of our professors are retiring and moving on next year. Last Wednesday and Thursday, I had the opportunity to attend guest presentations given by candidates for our visiting professor position.

It was really exciting to meet potential professors. Both gave really interesting presentations; even though I was basically attending extra classes, I enjoyed myself so it was by no means a hardship. The attending students were given forms to fill out in order to provide feedback on the candidates. I really love how the department and the school administration takes into consideration the thoughts of students, since we will be the people who learn from the person who is hired and since we might notice things that the faculty might not.

Both candidates were really well qualified and I enjoyed their presentations, so I’m glad that I don’t have to make the tough hiring decisions!


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